I Love Thanksgiving

I am so thankful for many things but mostly for the family God has given me. Thanksgiving is probably my favorite holiday. It’s generally the time of year we spend with both our families eating, talking, and playing. Jeaneane and I are both from the same hometown, Adel, GA, so when we go home for the holidays, we’re able to spend time with both sides of the family.

This year was different though. Since we were all together in St. Augustine for Dustin and Katie’s wedding the week before, and I was not feeling too great because of my surgery, we decided to spend Thanksgiving at home in McDonough. So, it was just Jeaneane and me. What to do about Thanksgiving dinner? It’s really not practical to make turkey and dressing for two people, so we thought about going out. But then the phone rang! It was Ann Sexton, our next-door neighbor.

When Ann found out we were home all alone, she offered to cook for us. She brought over turkey and dressing on her way to her family’s get-together. It was awesome! Thanks Ann. You’re the best!