Day 8 Follow-up with Dr. Roser

IMG_7712 Met with Dr. Roser today for my 1-week checkup. Said he would like to see me once every week for a while. He immediately commented on my voice. It has not returned to normal, so he scheduled me an appointment with an ENT specialist.

Healing is going well. Stitches on the outside removed. Prescribed Lortab 7.5 for pain as needed. I’m still taking the Roxicet, which is stronger than Lortab. I’ll start trying to back off to Lortab depending on how the pain subsides. Roxicet is great for pain, but it makes me sleepy. Right now, I prefer to sleep.

Regarding pain, it’s still quite strong. It’s a persistent ache with sporadic sharp pain in the gums, particularly the lower jaw.